Love, Time, and Space

grief love eleora han

Sometimes you love who you love and there is no stopping it. Neither time nor space, nor life or death can change it. This is the nature of love — it never stops believing, never stops hoping.

So often we feel as if we must stop loving the person we have just lost. In some ways, to disconnect from these emotions feels like a loss in and of itself. Be strong, people will say. It has been months, and years. How are you not over it yet?

But it’s okay to keep loving — it’s okay to allow yourself to love, to stay connected. Keep your heart open and allow yourself to grieve. Rest in the truth, that no loss comes without grief, no grief without love. You love because it is in your very nature to, you love because this person was special to you, because there was something sacred there, without which you wouldnt’t be who you are, here now.

To my readers — thank you for reading this post. it means so much to me. If you enjoyed it, I invite you to connect with me through the comments below and to share the post with someone who you think might also find it helpful in living with grief. You might also find my book, Grieving the Loss of a Love: How to Embrace Grief to Find True Hope and Healing After a Divorce, Breakup, or Death helpful to read or to pass along to others. Thank you again.