Why I Started to Write Again


This past year was a year of great loss. 

To say I had depressive periods would be an understatement. 

And yet, it was also a year of incredible beauty. Because through the struggle and loss of everything I had ever known, through my walk in the darkness, I found light. 

Suddenly, I began to see just how much I had taken for granted (everything). I realized how fragile life is. How fleeting our moments with our loved ones truly are, how everything can change in an instant. And I'm filled with gratitude everyday. 

When everything was taken away from me, I began to see what was truly important and that there was meaning in our lives all along:


To love, to grow in love, to learn how to love, to experience love, to show love, to be present for love.

And I realized that time - time is very precious. Life is short.

So why did I start to write again after having given it up many years ago? 

Because something in me had to write, couldn't stop writing, needed to write.

And because something has shifted inside of me. I'm living life with love as my central intention and purpose. With writing as a way of documenting this incredible journey. 





