Grief and Awakening to the Soul

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For most of my life, I believed the soul to be a hypothetical abstraction. It was something religious people believed in, something separate and nothing to do with me.

But after experiencing loss and going through a time of grief, I know the soul to be a reality. When something such as grief comes along, and strips away all aspects of who you are and everything you think life is about, all that can possibly remain is your soul.

Grief not only involves the death or loss of your loved ones, but also the loss of your dreams, hopes, identity, fears. The weight of this pain is crushing. It is natural to run away from it, to stuff it down and avoid it, but this would only prolong the pain. Let yourself feel it, to be broken, to let everything you have ever known to fall away. This is how you make contact with your soul.

When you make contact with your soul, it is as if you are able to live life from a different space inside you. Suddenly, you realize there is nothing to fear — in fact, there never was. You begin to build your life from the truest part of you. The loving part of you. The part of you that has suffered so greatly and yet is still here, hoping, struggling, believing.

When you live life from this space, every day miracles happen. Fear no longer blocks or limits you. You are free to send out love and to receive it in return. A rose is no longer simply a rose but a beautiful and simple gift from the universe. You sense the light inside you and life is no longer a competition, a record of comparison but a pilgrimage you find yourself on as you greet other pilgrims from this lifetime to the next. You are filled with a sense of compassion.

Life was never about all the things that we thought it to be — the houses, the cars, the neighborhood, the degrees, the kids and what they did. It was about so much more, the contact and refinement with our truest nature and who we each are at the core. This pain and all that you feel, let it bring you to the energy of your soul and align your life with it, let it lead you to places you could never imagine.

To my readers — thank you for reading this post. it means so much to me. If you enjoyed it, I invite you to connect with me through the comments below and to share the post with someone who you think might also find it helpful in living with grief. You might also find my book, Grieving the Loss of a Love: How to Embrace Grief to Find True Hope and Healing After a Divorce, Breakup, or Death helpful to read or to pass along to others. Thank you again.